Investment standard
Regional Investment Standard 2.0 is a new support system of investment projects developed by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.
The new regional standard is formed on the basis of the best practices of the regions’ work with investors and aimed at optimizing the interaction of investors with regional authorities.
The main elements of the Regional Investment Standard 2.0
Regional Investment Standard: goals and priorities
Legal framework
Investment declaration
The investment Declaration of the Nizhny Novgorod Region is developed in order to create a favorable investment climate in the region and declares the obligations of the Nizhny Novgorod region to the investor about the inviolability of state support measures and business conditions.
The declaration contains a description of the goals and priorities of investment development, key characteristics and advantages of the region, as well as the composition of the investment team of the region.
The investment Declaration WAS APPROVED BY THE Order of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Government No. 2701-r of December 25, 2013
Development Agency
Nizhny Novgorod Region Development Corporation JSC is an organization endowed with the functions of a development agency and authorized to attract private investments and assist investors in the implementation of investment projects in the region on the one–stop shop principle.
In addition, the Development Corporation is authorized to organize the interaction of investors with resource-supplying organizations and operators of engineering and road infrastructure.
THE ORDER OF INTERACTION WITH investors on the one-stop shop principle
Investment Committee
The Investment Committee of the Nizhny Novgorod Region is a body that settles disputes between the investor, state bodies, state/municipal organizations in a pre–trial manner.
The chairman of the committee is the head of the region.
In the Nizhny Novgorod region, the functions of the Investment committee are assigned to the Development Strategy and Investment Council under the Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region.
The Council is a permanent collegial advisory body created to coordinate the actions of the executive authorities of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, territorial bodies of federal executive authorities and other organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal form, in order to develop and implement the Social and Economic Development Strategy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region until 2035, the creation of a favorable investment climate in the Nizhny Novgorod Region, as well as resolving investor's disagreements and disputes on the implementation of investment projects in the Nizhny Novgorod Region.
- Monitoring and control of the development and implementation of the Strategy, preparation of proposals for its adjustment
- Implementation of interagency cooperation on the adjustment, development and implementation of the Strategy for the pursuance of certain priorities, goals and objectives of the social and economic development of the Nizhny Novgorod Region
- Preparation of proposals on the social and economic development and investment attraction
- Development of consolidated measures aimed at the creation of a new economic potential to ensure the sustainable development of the Nizhny Novgorod Region and social stability
- Development of recommendations on state support of investment processes and stimulation of investment activity in the Nizhny Novgorod Region
- Consideration of the draft investment strategy, analysis of the progress and implementation of the investment strategy, preparation and consideration of proposals for its adjustment
- Consideration and adjustment of the plan for the creation of investment and infrastructure facilities in the Nizhny Novgorod Region
- Consideration and preparation of proposals on problems related to investment activities in the Nizhny Novgorod Region and problems arising from the implementation of investment projects in the Nizhny Novgorod Region, with the exception of land and property relations
- Consideration and decision-making on increasing the efficiency of exhibition and congress activities in the Nizhny Novgorod Region
- Consideration of applications from borrowers and the provision of collaterals from the collateral fund of the Nizhny Novgorod Region
The Investment Committee’s mechanism of operation
On November 12, 2024, an extended meeting of the Council for Development Strategy and Investments was held chaired by the Deputy Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, Polyakov E.N.
Questions considered:
- on the possibility of transferring OBS Impex LLC from category 3 power supply reliability to category 2, and the need to increase the total capacity of power grids and the possibility of connecting to the Chermet PS;
- the technological connection of TikProm LLC to electrical networks;
- the technological connection of TPK Foliplast LLC to electrical networks;
- on the allocation of a land plot to ANO "RCSP" located in the flood zone, and the implementation of measures to enable capital construction;
- on the allocation of a land plot to Energo-52 LLC, which is owned by the Russian Federation;
- on the removal of the security zone from the land plot of the Nizhegorodets agricultural production cooperative, on which it is planned to implement a project for the construction of a livestock complex;
- on the installation of fencing along the right-of-way of federal highway R-177.
As a result of the discussion, protocol decisions were recorded, relevant instructions were given to the responsible authorities.
On July 4, 2024, an extended meeting of the Council for Development Strategy and Investments was held chaired by the Deputy Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, Polyakov E.N.
Questions considered:
- the technological connection of individual entrepreneur Kalendzhyan K.G. to gas networks;
- the need to increase the gas supply capacity of Technopark Real-Invest LLC production site;
- the technological connection of PK7 Nizhny LLC to electrical networks;
- the inclusion of the subsoil site "Lopatinskoye" (site № 3) in the register of subsoil sites of local importance of the Nizhny Novgorod Region for the purpose of organizing peat extraction by Borresursy LLC;
- amendments to the land use and development rules of the settlement of Chernukhinsky village council of the Kstovsky municipal district within the framework of the investment project of Rentkar LLC;
- the obtaining of a permit for the reconstruction of the non-residential building located at: 17 Pochtovy Syezd Str., Nizhny Novgorod, as part of the regeneration of the historical environment;
- the creation of a working group under the Investment Committee for the consideration of applications from business entities received through the feedback platform and approval of the procedure for its work;
- the changing of the sanitary protection zone within the framework of the investment projects of Burevestnik JSC.
As a result of the discussion, protocol decisions were recorded, relevant instructions were given to the responsible authorities.
On May 16, 2024, an extended meeting of the Council for Development Strategy and Investments was held chaired by the Deputy Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, Polyakov E.N.
Questions considered:
- the technological connection of RusMashService LLC to electrical networks;
- the technological connection of Borresursy LLC to electrical networks;
- the technological connection of Production and Trading Company Energo LLC facilities to electrical networks;
- the technological connection of OBS IMPEX LLC to electrical networks;
- the reconstruction of electrical networks on the site where the investment project of KIP 1 LLC is being implemented;
- the investment project implemented by individual entrepreneur Arutyunyan S.A. aimed at the construction of a sports club.
As a result of the discussion, protocol decisions were recorded, relevant instructions were given to the responsible authorities.
On March 29, 2024, an extended meeting of the Council for Development Strategy and Investments was held chaired by the Deputy Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, Polyakov E.N.
Questions considered:
- the increasing of power supply capacity of the steel foundry Metmash LLC;
- the technological connection of Technokabel-NN LLC facilities to electrical networks;
- the technological connection of Transpnevmatika JSC facilities to electrical networks;
- the technological connection of Viktoria LLC facilities to gas networks;
- the need to increase the gas supply capacity of Technopark Real-Invest LLC production site;
- the technological connection of Makosh LLC facilities to gas networks;
- the preparation of a register of sports facilities within the framework of the Decree of the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region dated February 22, 2024 № 76 “On amendments to certain decrees of the Nizhny Novgorod Region”.
As a result of the discussion, protocol decisions were recorded, relevant instructions were given to the responsible authorities.
On December 12, 2024, an extended meeting of the Presidium of the Council for Development Strategy and Investments was held chaired by the Minister of the Economic Development and Investments of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, Ismagilov D.G.
Following the meeting, the members of the Council Presidium made a positive decision to recognize the following investment projects as priority investment projects of the Nizhny Novgorod Region:
- "Modernization, reconstruction and construction of NMZ № 1 JSC", implemented by Nizhny Novgorod Dairy Plant № 1 JSC, recognized as a priority investment project of the Nizhny Novgorod Region with state support in the form of a tax benefit on the property of organizations;
- "Sintamin" – creation of ethanolamine production with a capacity of 25 thousand tons", implemented by Sintez OKA LLC, recognized as a priority investment project of the Nizhny Novgorod Region with state support in the form of a tax benefit on the property of organizations.
On August 28, 2024, an extended meeting of the Presidium of the Council for Development Strategy and Investments was held chaired by the Deputy Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, Polyakov E.N.
Following the meeting, the members of the Council Presidium made a positive decision to recognize the following investment projects as priority investment projects of the Nizhny Novgorod Region:
- "Modernization of a glass-melting furnace, process lines and equipment", implemented by Posuda LLC, recognized as a priority investment project of the Nizhny Novgorod Region with state support in the form of a tax benefit on the property of organizations;
- "Production and warehouse complex, including the construction of a production and warehouse building, an administrative building, reconstruction of a garage for a non-residential building with technical premises, reconstruction of a garage for passenger cars with an extension for a checkpoint at the address: Nizhny Novgorod Region, Kstovsky District, Opytny settlement, 133 Sadovaya Str.", implemented by NPO Stalprom LLC, recognized as a priority investment project of the Nizhny Novgorod Region with state support in the form of a tax benefit on the property of organizations;
- "Expansion of production, construction and commissioning of a production building with administrative and household premises and supporting infrastructure facilities, acquisition of equipment", implemented by MZVA-ChEMZ LLC, recognized as a priority investment project of the Nizhny Novgorod Region with state support in the form of a tax benefit on the property of organizations.
Investment map
The Investment map is a digital service that contains information about infrastructure, support measures, investment sites and preferential regimes in the Nizhny Novgorod region.
On the map a filtration system is provided by the type of plot, area, municipality, distance from the regional center and form of ownership. The map contains all the necessary information on the available plots, such as the category of land, the form of ownership, the availability of access to roads and railways, average tariffs for connection to networks and mineral deposits. In addition, the cadastral map is integrated into the map, which is presented as an additional layer.
Set of investment rules
Set of investment rules is an algorithm of actions (the "client path") of an investor planning to implement an investment project in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Set of investment rules has been developed in order to increase transparency and simplify the investor's interaction with executive authorities, control (supervisory) bodies and resource organizations when implementing investment projects in terms of gaining access to infrastructure elements.
Algorithms of the investor's actions
Investor's Way
The Nizhny Novgorod Region is one of the 7 pilot regions for optimizing algorithms of investor's actions for connecting to infrastructure facilities and obtaining permits.
Lean production
The Nizhny Novgorod Region is one of the pilot regions for implementing lean technologies aimed at optimizing the interaction process between investors and executive authorities as well as resource-supplying organizations, including through its digitalization.
Lean production implies reducing the period and number of documents required when connecting to engineering infrastructure facilities, as well as developing proposals for amendments to federal legislation.
Feedback mechanism
Feedback mechanism implemented on the unified portal of state and municipal services allows to reduce the period for processing of requests on investment and entrepreneurship activities, as well as monitor the quality and promptness of responses by responsible parties through institutional and technical infrastructure, ensuring a systematic approach to interaction between the government and the business community.
Depending on the content, all incoming requests are assigned one of three types, each of which has its own processing algorithm.
Investment proposals
Investment proposals are projects developed by the development agency, containing information about time and financial costs of investors, implementation site, available infrastructure and support measures.
Municipal standard
Municipal investment standard is aimed at systemizing the maintenance of investment projects in municipalities in order to accelerate their implementation.
Elements of the standard are based on the best municipal practices, one of which was developed in the Nizhny Novgorod Region – investment profile of a municipal entity.
Investment profile is a comprehensive document containing information on key socio-economic indicators, as well as promising areas for the development of investment activity in the municipality.