Investment infrastructure

The existing network of both public and fully private infrastructure facilities ensure a high investment attractiveness of the region, as it allows an investor to quickly select a site suitable for all parameters of the project being implemented - from a startup to a large industrial enterprise.

Investment sites

A common database of available sites has been created on the territory of the region, where there are about 500 investment sites. The information is available on the investment map of the Nizhny Novgorod region –


This service allows the investor to independently select land plots for the placement of production facilities, suitable objects for investment, information layers show the availability of engineering infrastructure, allows to estimate the distance to railways and highways, power systems and get information about average tariffs for connection to networks and natural resources.

Special Economic Zone

Special Economic Zone (SEZ) "Kulibin"

General description:

  • Location: Dzerzhinsk
  • Area: 724.7 ha

- The territory of DPO Plastic JSC – 72.3 ha

- State site – 416.7 ha

- The territory of industrial park "Oka-Polymer" – 190.7 ha

- The territory of Sintez Oka LLC – 45 ha

  • The area of vacant land for leasing to residents is 440,51 ha
    - greefields 
    - brownfields.


Engineering infrastructure:

  • Power supply
  • Gas supply
  • Water supply and sanitation
  • Heat supply
  • Local treatment facilities
  • Telecommunications networks


Infrastructure of SEZ (commissioning – april 2025):

  • Industrial technopark "Технопарк Н2О" with a laboratory facility – 8,428.6 sq. m
  • Ready-made industrial facilities – 29,432.4 sq. m


Transport Infrastructure:

  • Road: access to the M7 Volga federal highway (Moscow – Ufa)
  • Railway: access to own railway station – the city of Dzerzhinsk
  • Dzerzhinsk river port – 11 km
  • Air connection: distance from Nizhny Novgorod International Airport V.P.Chkalov – 25 km 



  • Chemistry and petrochemistry
  • Logistics
  • Consumer Goods
  • Machinery, metallurgy
  • Electronics
  • R&D Centers


Benefits for residents:

  • Income tax*:

     2% – during the first 5 years

     5% – in the following 5 years

     14,5% – until 2069

* starting from the period in which the profit subject to taxation was first received

  • Property tax – 0% during 10 years
  • Land tax – 0% during 5 years
  • Transport tax – 0% during 10 years
  • Customs duties – 0% (after creating a customs zone)
  • Accelerated depreciation – the possibility of applying a special coefficient to the basic depreciation rate


Management сompany: 

Nizhny Novgorod Region Development Corporation, JSC


Management company services:


  • Support of investment projects

- Support measures

- Land relations

- Design and construction


  • Consulting services

- Marketing and PR

- Audit

- Personnel management

- Financial services


  • Service

- Cleaning of the adjacent territory, administrative and industrial premises

- Removal of solid waste

- Removal of industrial waste of hazard class IV

- Post services

- Services for state registration, cadastral registration

- Patent services, trademark registration

- Security services

- Placement of advertising structures

- Household maintenance of administrative premises (house master)


Contact details:

603001, Nizhny Novgorod, Pochainskaya str., 17с

+7 (831) 469-03-60


Video presentation of the Kulibin Special Economic Zone


Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 724 of May 22, 2020 "On the creation of a special economic zone of industrial and production type in the territory of the municipal formation of the city district of Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region"
Presentation of SEZ "Kulibin"
Minute of the Expert Council meeting of the SEZ IPT “Kulibin” 26.04.2024
Minute of the Expert Council meeting of the SEZ IPT “Kulibin” 19.02.2024
Minute of the Expert Council meeting of the SEZ IPT “Kulibin” 28.12.2023
Minute of the Expert Council meeting of the SEZ IPT “Kulibin” 05.12.2023
Minute of the Expert Council meeting of the SEZ IPT “Kulibin” 02.11.2023
Minute of the Expert Council meeting of the SEZ IPT “Kulibin” 10.10.2023
Minute of the Expert Council meeting of the SEZ IPT “Kulibin” 31.08.2023
Minute of the Expert Council meeting of the SEZ IPT “Kulibin” 31.07.2023
Minute of the Expert Council meeting of the SEZ IPT “Kulibin” 21.06.2023
Minute of the Expert Council meeting of the SEZ IPT “Kulibin” 17.04.2023
Minute of the Expert Council meeting of the SEZ IPT “Kulibin” 27.05.2022
Minute of the Expert Council meeting of the SEZ IPT “Kulibin” 15.06.2021
Minute of the Expert Council meeting of the SEZ IPT “Kulibin” 29.10.2020

Territories of Advanced Development

Reshetikha TAD

The Territory of Advanced Development in the Reshetikha settlement was created according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 128 dated December 12, 2019.


Conditions for obtaining a resident status:

  • RUB 2.5 million of capital investments during the first year
  • > 10 new jobs during the first year
  • The company must be registered in the TAD


To receive benefits and preferences, it is necessary to obtain the Volodarsk or Reshetikha TAD resident status.


4 steps to become a TAD resident:

  1. To select a site
  2. To prepare a package of documents to obtain the resident status
  3. To register the company in the TAD
  4. To apply for entering into the agreement


Term: the procedure for obtaining the TAD resident status takes 1 month


Benefits for TAD residents:

  1. Income tax – reduced tax rate, starting from the period in which the first profit was received:
    • federal budget – down to 0% for the first 5 years, 2% (3% in 2017-2024) – for the next 5 years
    • regional budget – down to 5% for the first 5 years, 10% for the next 5 years
  2. Property tax – tax rate reduced to 0% for 10 years (valid until the expiration of the TAD)
  3. For land tax – tax rate reduced to 0% for 10 years (valid until the expiration of the TAD)
  4. Insurance premiums – rate reduced to 7.6% for 10 years (valid until the expiration of the TAD)
    • The benefit has been suspended for new residents


Transport Infrastructure:

  • Road: access to the M7 Volga federal highway (Moscow – Ufa)
  • Railway: access to the Reshetikha station


Contact details:

Administration of Volodarsky municipal district

606070, Volodarsky district, Volodarsk, Klubnaya str., 4

+7 (83136) 4-19-11

+7 (83136) 4-15-35


Video presentation of the territories of advanced development of the Nizhny Novgorod region


Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 12, 2019 No. 128 on the Creation of the Territory of Advanced Development «Reshetikha»
Territories of advanced development «Reshetikha»
Volodarsk TAD

The Territory of Advanced Development in Volodarsk was created in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 124 dated December 12, 2019.


Conditions for obtaining a resident status:

  • RUB 2.5 million of capital investments during the first year
  • > 10 new jobs during the first year
  • The company must be registered in the TAD


To receive benefits and preferences, it is necessary to obtain the Volodarsk or Reshetikha TAD resident status.


4 steps to become a TAD resident:

  1. To select a site
  2. To prepare a package of documents to obtain the resident status
  3. To register the company in the TAD
  4. To apply for entering into the agreement


Term: the procedure for obtaining the TAD resident status takes 1 month


Benefits for TAD residents:

  1. Income tax – reduced tax rate, starting from the period in which the first profit was received:
    • federal budget – down to 0% for the first 5 years, 2% (3% in 2017-2024) – for the next 5 years
    • regional budget – down to 5% for the first 5 years, 10% for the next 5 years
  2. Property tax – tax rate reduced to 0% for 10 years (valid until the expiration of the TAD)
  3. For land tax – tax rate reduced to 0% for 10 years (valid until the expiration of the TAD)
  4. Insurance premiums – rate reduced to 7.6% for 10 years (valid until the expiration of the TAD)
    • The benefit has been suspended for new residents
  5. For the period of construction and for 10 years after the facility is put into operation, the rent is set equal to 1 ruble per land plot per year for land plots owned by the Nizhny Novgorod Region


Transport Infrastructure:

  • Road: access to the M7 Volga federal highway (Moscow – Ufa)
  • Railway: access to the Seyma station 


Contact details:

Administration of Volodarsky municipal district

606070, Volodarsky district, Volodarsk, Klubnaya str., 4

+7 (83136) 4-19-11

+7 (83136) 4-15-35


Video presentation of the territories of advanced development of the Nizhny Novgorod region


Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 12, 2019 No. 124 on the Creation of the Territory of Advanced Development «Volodarsk»
Territories of advanced development «Volodarsk»
Sarov TAD

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 481 dated April 20, 2017, the territory of advanced development was created for newly established high-tech enterprises of Sarov. 


Advantages of the Sarov TAD:

  • Tax and customs privileges
  • Highly qualified employees (3,5 thousand scientists and researchers, 3 thousand IT workers, 8 thousand engineers)
  • The possibility of inclusion in the technological chains of State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom
  • Ready infrastructure
  • Roads and railways
  • Advantageous geographical location (distance from Nizhny Novgorod – 180 kilometers, from Moscow – 500 kilometers)
  • Comprehensive support at all stages of the project implementation


Priority sectors for new investment projects' implementation:

  • new energy
  • information technologies including supercomputing and modeling
  • new materials and nanotechnology
  • robotics
  • petrochemical industry and products for the oil and gas industry
  • metalworking
  • biotechnologies, pharmaceuticals and nuclear medicine products
  • scientific instrument making


Conditions for obtaining a resident status:

  • The volume of capital investments is at least RUB 5 million
  • Carrying out activities not related to the list of "prohibited"
  • Registration of a legal entity within the borders of the TAD
  • Absence of the regional investment project status
  • No branches and representative offices outside the TAD
  • No insolvency and/or reorganization or liquidation proceedings of the legal entity
  • No arrears in taxes and fees


Benefits for TAD residents:

  1. Income tax – reduced tax rate, starting from the period in which the first profit was received:
    • federal budget – down to 0% for the first 5 years, 2% (3% in 2017-2024) – for the next 5 years
    • regional budget – down to 5% for the first 5 years, 10% for the next 5 years
  2. Property tax – tax rate reduced to 0% for 10 years (valid until the expiration of the TAD)
  3. Land tax – the rate does not exceed 1.5% (depending on the category of the land plot)
  4. Insurance premiums – rate reduced to 7.6% for 10 years
    • The benefit has been suspended for new residents
  5. VAT – it is possible to apply for a refund: offset (refund) of the tax amount before the completion of the desk audit (11 days)
  6. Mineral extraction tax – a special reduction coefficient (increases over time from 0 to 1 per 10 years)
  7. Providing property and land for rent without competition at reduced rates (coefficient 0.4)
  8. It is possible to apply the customs procedure of a free customs zone established by the law of the Eurasian Economic Union


Managing organization: Atom-TOR JSC


Contact details:

Bolshaya Polyanka str., 15, Moscow, 119180

+7 (968) 568-32-68


Representative in closed administrative territory Sarov:

Volgin Alexey Alexandrovich

+7 (951) 916-23-56


Video presentation of the territories of advanced development of the Nizhny Novgorod region


Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 20, 2017 No. 481 on the Creation of the Territory of Advanced Development "Sarov"

Industrial parks


Technopark "Sarov"
Technopark "Sarov" was created as an open platform for the development and commercialization of promising innovative technologies based on the competencies of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics (VNIIEF) and its partners


Technopark "Sarov" was created as an open platform for the development and commercialization of promising innovative technologies based on the competencies of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics (VNIIEF) and its partners. Currently, the technopark is developing as a multipurpose innovation, research, production and educational facility, providing favorable conditions for the development of competitive technologies, products and competencies.


Location: Sarov


Specialization: information, laser, energy saving technologies, sensors and automatization, materials and coatings



  • Total area – 40 ha
  • Type of site – brownfield and greenfield
  • Free area of buildings and structures – 731.6 m2 (office premises)


Utility infrastructure:

  • Electric power – 9 MW
  • Gas supply – 0.08 thousand m3/hour
  • Heat supply – 5.17 Gcal/hour
  • Water supply – 0.00197 thousand m3/hour


Transport infrastructure:
Technopark "Sarov" is located in the Nizhny Novgorod Region, at a distance of 5.5 km from Sarov, 180 km from Nizhny Novgorod, 450 km from Moscow. Public transport links with the city of Sarov have been organized. There are 5 parking lots on the territory of the technopark with a capacity of up to 500 cars.



  • office, research and production, social premises – 26 thousand m2
  • business incubator – 8.5 thousand m2


Number of residents: 43


Contact details:

Sarov, Parkovaya str., 3

+7 (83130) 9-90-00

Presentation of technopark "Sarov"
Technopark of high technologies "Ankudinovka"
State institution providing support to small and medium-sized innovative enterprises of the Nizhny Novgorod Region


Technopark "Ankudinovka" is a state institution providing support to small and medium-sized innovative enterprises of the Nizhny Novgorod Region at all stages of project implementation: from business idea to product commercialization.

Since 2015, the technopark has been the regional representative office of the Innovation Promotion Fund in the Nizhny Novgorod Region, providing assistance in obtaining financial support through grant programs of the Fund.

Since 2019, the technopark also functions as an operator of the Skolkovo Foundation in the Nizhny Novgorod Region.


Technopark services: preferential rent of modern offices, project support, consulting and coaching, assistance in finance attraction


Total area: more than 17 thousand m2


Technopark structure:

  • innovative business incubator
  • technopark business incubator
  • business center


Number of residents: 36


Contact details:

Nizhny Novgorod, Saharova str., 4

+7 (831) 275-80-20


Presentation of technopark "Ankudinovka"
Industrial technopark "Technopark H2O"
"Technopark H2O" is designed to accommodate research centers and laboratories involved in developing new types of products, mainly in the chemical industry


"Technopark H2O" is designed to accommodate research centers and laboratories involved in developing new types of products, mainly in the chemical industry. The technopark is included in the specialized register of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

The technopark complex includes a center for collective use of equipment, allowing researching raw materials, testing products for certification purposes, producing small and pilot series of polymer products. An innovation and technology center, in turn, provides a range of information and consulting, legal and financial services, including registration and commercialization of intellectual property items.


Location: Dzerzhinsk


Specialization: creation of research centers and laboratories



  • Total area – 1.289 ha
  • Type of site – brownfield
  • Free area of buildings and structures – 4,500 m2


Utility infrastructure:

  • Electric power –1.45 MW
  • Heat supply – 1.06 Gcal/hour
  • Water supply – 16.38 thousand3/hour


Transport infrastructure:

  • Dzerzhinsk – 8 km
  • Nizhny Novgorod – 12 km
  • Federal road M7 "Volga" – 2 km
  • Railroad station "Igumnovo" – 4 km
  • Dzerzhinsk river port – 11 km
  • Nizhny Novgorod International Airport "Chkalov" – 25 km



  • free production premises – 4,500 m2
  • free office premises – 300 m2
  • equipment – machine testing and injection molding centers


Number of residents: 3


Contact details:

Dzerzhinsk, Igumnovskoe highway, 11N

+7 (831) 469-03-60

+7 (926) 244-09-37

Industrial technopark "Electronic Technology Park"
Industrial technopark "Electronic Technology Park" is a scientific and technical complex of enterprises, designed to create a favorable environment for the development of innovative companies


Industrial technopark "Electronic Technology Park" is a scientific and technical complex of enterprises, designed to create a favorable environment for the development of innovative companies (potential residents).

The key function of the technopark is the accumulation of small innovative companies in a single real estate complex. In such a situation, balance can be achieved by placing shared equipment, certification centers, engineering, export support and other institutions.


Location: Nizhny Novgorod


Specialization: electronic industry



  • Total area – 1.9529 ha
  • Type of site – brownfield
  • Free area of buildings and structures – 1.38 thousand m2


Utility infrastructure:

  • Electric power – 0.00439 MW
  • Heat supply – 1.84 Gcal/hour
  • Water supply – 0.002792 thousand m3/hour


transport infrastructure: A municipal road has been built and put into operation leading to the territory of the technopark. Additionally, there is an entrance from the nearest highway as well. On the territory of the technopark there is a road with a length of 492 m, the total road surface area is 6,300 m2.



  • clean rooms – 0.2 thousand m2
  • congress and exhibition hall – 0.2 thousand m2


Number of residents: 2


Contact details:

Nizhny Novgorod, Nartova str., 6

+7 (930) 675-25-99

Industrial technopark in the sphere of electronic industry "Volga"


Location: Bor


Specialization: electronic industry



  • Total area – 1.67 ha
  • Type of site – brownfield
  • Free area of buildings and structures – 8.833 thousand m2


Utility infrastructure:

  • Electric power – 1.5 MW
  • Heat supply – 15 Gcal/hour
  • Water supply – 41 thousand m3/hour



  • Prototyping center
  • Center for collective use of industrial equipment
  • Center for data analysis


Number of residents: 5


Contact details:

Bor, Steklozavodskoye highway, 16, building 13

+7 (987) 395-73-71

Industrial technopark "Mashinostroyeniye"


Location: Vyksa


Specialization: mechanical engineering, metalworking



  • Total area – 11.7086 ha
  • Type of site – brownfield and greenfield
  • Free area of buildings and structures – 3.779 thousand2


Utility infrastructure:

  • Electric power– 10 MW
  • Gas supply – 4.1 thousand3/hour
  • Heat supply– 36 Gcal/hour
  • Water supply – 200 thousand m3/hour


Number of residents: 8


Contact details:

Vyksa, Zavodskaya str., 1

+7 (986) 750-47-52

+7 (920) 255-11-23



Business incubators

Since 2006, a program for creating business incubators has been implemented in the Nizhny Novgorod Region, the main task of which is to create favorable conditions for the dynamic development of small innovative companies, to assist in bringing their projects to the market and to create an active environment for companies.


Today in the Nizhny Novgorod Region there are 10 business incubators.


In the Nizhny Novgorod Region, the Corporation for the Development of Industry and Entrepreneurship is established, including the Cluster Development Center, which is coordinating the activities of 10 territorial clusters (one more cluster is currently in the making).


In total, the clusters comprise more than 600 enterprises, of which over 80% are small and medium-sized business.


Contact information:

603145, Nizhny Novgorod, Akademika Sakharova str., 4, office 516 Technopark

Phone: +7 (831) 435-17-00





With the view of implementation of the Standard of executive authority activity in the Nizhniy Novgorod Region, a development plan for investment and infrastructure facilities  is prepared and updated annually according to the Decree of the Government of the Nizhniy Novgorod Region No. 731 of October 15, 2013 "Оn approval of the Development Plan for Investment and Infrastructure Facilities in the Nizhniy Novgorod Region".


The plan for creation investment and infrastructure facilities in the Nizhny Novgorod region in 2024 includes 140 projects.

Plan for the creation of investment and infrastructure facilities in the Nizhny Novgorod Region 2024 Download

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