Investment portal
of the Nizhny Novgorod Region
Economics of growth

2nd place in the National rating of investment climate

Top 15 largest economies in Russia

2nd place in the Volga Federal District in terms of fixed investment

Top 10 Russian regions in terms of quality of life
Support for investment activities in the region

Development Corporation – "one-stop shop" for investors

> 500 available sites

4 territories with with preferences (SEZ, TAD)

Progressive investment legislative framework
Nizhny Novgorod Region Development Corporation
Specialized organization for work with investors
Management of preferential territories (SEZ, TAD)
Competence center in the sphere of PPP
Development of significant regional projects
Design and construction of infrastructure facilties
High level of innovative development

Top 5 Russian regions in terms of educational potential

3rd place in Russia in software development

4th place in Russia in terms of scientific and technological development

4th place in Russia by number of people engaged in R&D area
Developed industry

Industry of the region – 1/3 of the GRP

Industrial production index – 111,7%

90,7% – processing industry

7th place in Russia in terms of manufacturing output
A comfortable region for living and tourism

Top 3 in terms of urban environment development

Top 5 travel destinations within Russia

Top 15 in the National Tourist Rating
and news
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